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This is what I can do for you

Community Architecture

The Power of community is real, and it can bring chaos or flow.

My job is to support human centred companies and projects in finding ways to create the right conditions for a genuine and strong community to blossom, and put processes in place that will nurture engagement, belonging and accountability.

Web Copywriting

People don’t buy from websites that don’t appeal or apply to them, so your words need to hit the mark from the get-go.

I specialise in writing persuasive, SEO-driven ( & human generated) copy that’ll bring more people to your website, and convert more clicks, without letting your Story lose its soul.

Content Writing & Social

Blog articles, social media and newsletters are great for building interest and trust in your brand. The kind of trust that is essential when you want to form long-term relationships with your community.

If you’d like a powerful online presence but don’t know where to start, let me help.


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